Hecate Energy will be applying to build a solar facility, Shepherd's Solar Farm, under Article VIII of the Public Service Law.
We will take great care that development, construction, and operation of our solar facility benefits the community and the environment. We encourage the public to provide feedback on the Project.
We have and will continue to actively engage the public through project briefings, informational open houses, media stories, public notices, mailings, email, and other means.
Persons wishing to receive all notices concerning the Project can file a request with ORES. To subscribe to the service list, visit the Shepherd's Run DMM Docket HERE and click on "Subscribe to Service List". To subscribe, you must first registhttps://documents.dps.ny.gov/public/MatterManagement/CaseMaster.aspx?MatterSeq=85385&MNO=24-03041er to use the DMM System. Step-by-step instructions on how to register and subscribe to the service list are provided in the DMM Service List User Guide, available here.
For each project, local agencies and potential community intervenors may apply for funds to defray the costs of reviewing the project and advising the ORES on the project’s compliance with local laws and potential environmental, public health and safety impacts. The funds are provided by the applicant.
Eligible local agencies include any municipality and other political subdivisions of the State that may be affected by the proposed major electric generating facility. At least 75 percent of the funds are reserved for local agencies. Potential community intervenors include persons residing in an affected community or non-profits with a concrete and localized interest that may be affected by the proposed major electric generating facility.
Local agencies or potential community intervenors must submit a request for initial funding within 30 days of the date of the project’s application to the Office of Renewable Energy Siting, at the Albany, New York office, Attention: Request for Local Agency Account Funding.
Further information regarding the availability and rules for intervenor funding can be found at https://ores.ny.gov/regulations and in subpart 900-5 of the final ORES regulations.